Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sermon - January 3, 2016 - Man the Lifeboats!

I have been praying about the next series and how to start off 2016. I feel it is important for us to take a look at the End Times which originally had me praying about preaching through Revelations. Talking to a friend of mine who teaches weekly on end times prophecy at his church in Ohio, has led me to a different source and a different path. Our dominant scriptures for the coming weeks will be Matthew chapters 24 and 25. Words spoken by Jesus that are vital to understanding the times we live in, where our focus should be, and what is to come. 

During this series I will not be trying to pinpoint a day or hour, as that is impossible. I will not be trying to convince anyone that pre, mid, or post tribulation is the most biblical point of view. Theologians who spend more hours than I could ever spend studying this one thing in scripture do not agree, so who am I to try to convince you one way or the other. From what study I have done so far, I am not sure it is as black and white as most people think. Anyways the timing of the tribulation, etc… has no impact on your salvation and spiritual growth which are ultimately my main concerns. The real focus will be for us to understand the signs of the end times and what we need to be doing about it.

One of the main references I will be using is a book by Douglass Shearer titled ‘Facing The Storm’. While I may not agree with every word he writes I do agree with the overall direction he takes.

One thing we need to understand as we begin this series is that in 2016 the church is going to continue to face hostility. The church in America used to enjoy that most people in this country agreed with Biblical values and ethics even if they did not consider themselves a Christian. Since the end of the last revival, the Jesus Movement of the 70’s, we have seen that agreement with Biblical values fade.

Values in society today are defined by Moral Relativism. Meaning that values held by people or a society are for a specific time or situation. According to Moral Relativism, values change over time and no one set of values are better than another. In other words, the old American values that many of us hold dear and for the most part follow Biblical teaching are no better than the values we are seeing in the world today. Moral Relativism would say the values supporting materialistic greed, abortion, and homosexual marriage are just as valid as the Biblical values of sacrifice, love, and living a Godly life style. Moral Relativism will tell us that what is sin changes or even that there is no sin, and hence the need for a savior is lessened.

Society has embraced Moral Relativism and it is taking over. We see it in the laws that are passed making things legal that would have been unheard of 50 years ago. We see it as the 10 Commandments are being yanked out of government buildings and with nativity scenes being pulled out of town squares. Monuments are being taken down that have been in place for many years, just because they have a cross or fish on them. Christianity is under attack and moral relativism is winning.

The question is what are we supposed to do about it?

“In short, the church’s task is not to save the ship, but to get her passengers safely off the ship and onto the life boat; and that life boat is of course Jesus Christ!” Douglass Shearer

The world, the ship, is going downhill and no matter what we do it is going to continue. I am not saying that we should not vote and I am not saying we that we should not be political. What I am saying is that our main focus needs to be on reaching the lost not being a political machine. Vote along Biblical lines, support the right candidates, and make your voices heard. But more importantly remember that it is not our job to save the world or even this country from morale decay. We are to guide the people who inhabit this country and the world, we are to guide them to the lifeboats. We are to guide them to Jesus Christ.

The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 tells us:

Matthew 6:10

“Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

God’s kingdom is going to come no matter what we do. So while we need to stand up for our values, that is not to be our priority. At most, all we can hope to do is make things a little better for a time. In reality if God’s kingdom is coming any resources dedicated to the political realm trying to stop the moral decay are wasted.

There are churches who go out of their way to not alienate anyone. They really want to make sure people with political influence or with deep pockets are happy and feel accepted. They accept those who fight to support the murder of innocent babies and for immoral sexual relations to be the norm. Making sure they accept everything and offend no one. These churches are trying to win favor with the government and are compromising the Gospel message.

We need to battle this, but not in the way most people do. Many Christians are focused on turning things around, or trying to save the ship. I want a revival as much as the next guy, but not in hopes that it will change society but in hopes that it will change people. Battling to save the ship can seem overwhelming. Trying to save the ship instead of the people will result in frustration and burnout. God’s Kingdom is coming and we need to make sure our priorities are right. Don’t waste your resources on trying to save the ship and never compromise the Gospel message. We need a savior, everyone needs a savior, and it is our job to man the lifeboats and convince people to get in.

2 Thessalonians 2:7

“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, but the one restraining will do so until he is out of the way.”

While the Holy Spirit is restraining Satan, we need to remember that he is still active today. Satan does not have the power and control that he will during the tribulation but he does have enough to cause plenty of trouble.

Look at the world today, things are pretty bad and getting worse. We are seeing more and more Christians being persecuted. Believers are letting apathy sink in, they no longer care about the things God cares about. Immorality is the social norm. With the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore we have seen the complete lack of respect for laws and those charged with enforcing them.

Even the recent student activism seen at universities around the country point to a breakdown of people wanting to work with others from different ethnicities or social levels. Just looking at things that have happened in the United Sates recently points toward Satan being at work and if we are observant they will point out that we are getting closer to the second coming of Jesus.

If we are drawing nearer to Jesus’ second coming, we need to remember what we are supposed to do. If we are to be manning the lifeboats we need to remember that time for some people is running out.

Matthew 28:19

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

All believers are called to spread the gospel message. We do not know how much time anyone has left and we need to make this a priority every day. Every person you meet is someone who may need to hear the good news of Jesus.

Luke 14:33

“In the same way, therefore, every one of you who does not say good-bye to all his possessions cannot be My disciple.”

We have to let go of the things of this world to truly serve Jesus. I am not saying we have to sell all that we have, that is a command given for those who hold onto things to tightly, the rest of us need to make sure that our commitment to Jesus is greater than our wanting of things.

Philippians 3:8

More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them filth, so that I may gain Christ”

According to Paul all the things he had before Jesus are filth. His position of authority, his reputation, the wealth he most likely had, everything… are worthless when compared to the Lordship of Jesus over his life. We need to make sure that we are looking at things correctly, Jesus is to be on the throne of your life and nothing is to come before Him.

2 Corinthians 5:10

“For we must all appear before the tribunal of Christ, so that each may be repaid for what he has done in the body, whether good or worthless.”

All of us are going to be judged, believer and unbeliever alike. We are accountably to Jesus for all of our actions and we will either be rewarded for doing what He created us to do or we will suffer for not doing it.

The stakes are high. How are you going to respond?

We need to get back into God’s Word every day. Not to just read it casually. We need to dig deep into, understand it, and apply it to our lives. We need to take what it teaches us seriously. That includes the end times, to help us understand the urgency that is needed.

All of us are to be witnesses, all believers are to share their faith.

Those verses that talk about the coming judgement for those who do not know Jesus, they are real. Eternal damnation is real.

The things the Bible tells us to do. They are not requests, God is demanding we listen to Him and follow Him.

We need to be totally committed to Jesus. Not Sunday Christians, not people who only want to do what they are comfortable with. Jesus was fully committed when He climbed on the cross, we need to be fully committed as we carry out the Father’s will.

We need to be prepared to face hardship and persecution. Satan is alive and well in the world and things are going to get bad before the Tribulation even starts. We need to be prepared to endure the troubles when they hit.

Our faith needs to be in every aspect of our lives. It is not limited to Sunday morning or your personal quiet time. You are either a Christ follower or you are not.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

We need to know God’s Word so that we may be equipped to do what God created us to do.

Knowledge leads to belief, belief leads to conviction, and conviction leads to action.

We must change the way we think of the end times. My prayer is that as we go through this series on the end times our knowledge and belief will grow. Not only will we know and believe more, but that our knowledge and belief will grow into a conviction that leads us to act. We need to go from a book knowledge to a conviction that alters the way we think and the way we act.

Psalm 119:105

“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.”

We do not know what the future holds but we do know it will not be a bed of roses. As we try to see in the darkness ahead of us, we need to use the one light that can help us see. God’s Word is the only light that will break through the darkness before us. It is the only light that will help you find your way.

I want to encourage you to read Matthew 24 and 25 in preparation of this series and it would probably be a good idea to read them several times as we go through this series.

If you truly believe what the Bible teaches and believe that we are getting closer and closer to the end times, you need to take action. Make sure you are doing what you were created to do. Share the Gospel and help man the lifeboats.

I pray you follow along each week as we go through this series. My hope is that you will see what is coming and that it will have a significant impact on your life.



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