Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sermon - May 31, 2015 - James 3:13-18 - Wisdom from Above

Intelligence is not the same as wisdom.

A minister, a Boy Scout, and a computer expert were the only passengers on a small plane. The pilot came back to the cabin and said that the plane was going down but there were only three parachutes and four people. The pilot added, “I should have one of he parachutes because I have a wife and three small children.” So he took one and jumped. The computer whiz said, “I should have one of the parachutes because I am the smartest man in the world and everyone needs me.” So he took one and jumped. The minister turned to the Boy Scout and with a sad smile said, “You are young and I have lived a rich life, so you take the remaining parachute, and I’ll go down with the plane.” The boy Scout said, “Relax, Reverend, the smartest man in the world just picked up my knapsack and jumped out!

A couple of weeks ago I was working on the message for Sunday and I was having a problem with my Bible software. Not a horrible problem, but I have all of my Biblical resources on it. I do not have book shelves full of books or stacks of books around the room like a buddy of mine in Florida. I keep all my books on my Logos software with its amazing search engine. Well a couple of weeks ago, the software was crashing every time I booted it up. Start, crash. Start, crash. I was getting nervous. It made me think about how dependent we are on technology today.

At work it is the same way. If we do not have access to our SAP software system, we are in trouble. New sales orders cannot be entered, work orders cannot be released, operations cannot show they completed something, and so much more. Without our technology, our software, we are dead in the water. I bet most of us have some software we use at work or some other form of modern technology that would be difficult to get things done without it. I know people who would struggle making something to eat without the technological advance of a microwave oven.

Thankfully we do not have problems at work very often and believe me I was thankful when I realized what I needed to do to fix my Bible software. We depend on technology for so much. Whether it is at work, at home, using a computer, or making a meal, we are very dependent on technology. Think about electricity; how dependent are you on it? Using your computer, watching TV, lights, alarm clocks, etc... we are very dependent on it.

While electricity is our source of power for our technology, God is the source of true faith and true wisdom. What we need to understand is how dependent we are on God. Many in the world claim to have answers to all of life's questions, but God is the only one who really does.

James 3:13

“13 Who is wise and has understanding among you? He should show his works by good conduct with wisdom’s gentleness.”

We have more information available to us today than every before. A few years back Google CEO Erick Schmidt said “Every two days we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.” There is more information available today than ever, and it is immediately available on our computers, tablets, or phones.

The question is. With all this knowledge and information, do you think we are any wiser?

So far everything James has been teaching us requires us to have wisdom.

We need wisdom as we walk through our trials and temptations, how else are we going to see how God can use it for His glory.

We need wisdom to help our faith in God drive us to action. Wisdom will help us see what we are supposed to do for God.

We need wisdom to help us avoid favoritism and to see people as God sees them. It makes it so much easier to 'love your neighbor as yourself.'

We need wisdom to see what each of us need to change. Is there enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian?

We need wisdom to control our tongues. A wild tongue will bring destruction like a wildfire, a controlled tongue will be a blessing.

Everything James has taught us so far requires wisdom.

Proverbs 1:5-7

“5 a wise man will listen and increase his learning, and a discerning man will obtain guidance— 6 for understanding a proverb or a parable, the words of the wise, and their riddles. 7 The fear of the Lord
is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline.”

Solomon the wisest man in history wrote these words and they are good advice. If you walk though life in this world, there is so many different things trying to get a hold of you. They want your money, your time, your devotion, your lust, and even your soul. You are being attacked on every front, how are you going to survive? There is only one answer, God's wisdom.

In verse 13 James is asking, 'Who is wise?' and then telling us that 'if you have wisdom, show it!'

Goes along with everything James has been telling us so far. The way we act is a direct result of our beliefs. How we live our lives is based on how much wisdom we have and how much we let God get a hold of us.

If God has a hold of you, your actions will reflect it!

James 3:14-16

“14 But if you have bitter envy and selfish ambition in your heart, don’t brag and deny the truth. 15 Such wisdom does not come from above but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where envy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every kind of evil.”

This is earthly wisdom. James is telling his readers and us to take a hard look at yourself. Your thoughts and actions will reflect your beliefs. When you are making decisions on what to do, how to spend your time, or how to spend your money, are you concerned for others or wondering what you are going to get out of it? If the answer is the later you are using earthly wisdom.

James is warning that envy and self ambition will hold you back. Being envious is wanting something that someone else has so much, that it turns into bitterness. Self ambition is all about me getting what I want and one upping everyone else. These things will destroy you.

Proverbs 14:30

“A tranquil heart is life to the body, but jealousy is rottenness to the bones.”

Job 5:2

“For anger kills a fool, and jealousy slays the gullible.”

Envy and self ambition are 'earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.'

Saul learned this first hand.

1 Samuel 15:22-23

“22 Then Samuel said: Does the Lord take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention is better than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you as king.”

Saul's self-centerededness and self ambition accomplished everything that the devil wanted without the devil having to do anything. When we act selfishly we play right into the devil's hand. False earthly wisdom is what the devil wants from us.

Over and over in the Bible we see that these things are to be avoided.

Coveting, as was commanded against in Moses' day leads to envy.

1 Peter 5:5

“In the same way, you younger men, be subject to the elders. And all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Envy and self ambition are NOT Godly characteristics they are earthly characteristics. They are the exact opposite of how we should be living our lives. Using God's wisdom we need to be living humbly and selflessly. Put others first and share what you have been blessed with.

Instead of bitter envy and self ambition, Godly wisdom operates very differently.

James 3:17-18

“17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without favoritism and hypocrisy. 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who cultivate peace.”

We have an abundance of information available to every one of us, it is literally at our fingertips. We need wisdom to decipher it and help us to be who God wants us to be. Not the earthly wisdom that leads towards destruction but Godly wisdom that brings His peace.

God's wisdom is first and foremost as pure as it comes. There is nothing in it that distorts the truth, there is nothing in it that will lead you wrong, there is nothing in it that corrupts. God's wisdom will guide you exactly as it should. This pureness points to the same holiness that is seen when someone is living 100% for Jesus Christ.

Matthew 5:8

“The pure in heart are blessed, for they will see God.”

Live according to the Pure Wisdom of God and you will be blessed. Purity expresses our relationship with God.

God's wisdom is also peace-loving. Peace-loving expresses our ability to get along with others. It does not mean you are to be a door mat and let everyone walk all over you, but it does mean that you are looking for the best outcome for every situation.

James lists 6 more characteristics of Godly Wisdom.

Gentle – We need to be considerate and reasonable with others.

Compliant – We need to be approachable and willing to let others have their way.

Full of Mercy – We need to be compassionate and look for ways to help those who are hurting or in need. Remember what James told us about helping others in need? Don't say words without following them up with action.

Good Fruits – We should see spiritual fruit in our lives. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Gentleness, and Self-control. These should be obvious to those around us.

Without Favoritism – We need to treat everyone equally. Skin color, male or female, rich or poor, town drunk or life time saint... none of it matters. We are all God's children and deserve to be treated accordingly.

Without Hypocrisy – We need to practice what we preach. If we say we are a Christian, can people tell by looking at our lives? Is there enough evidence to convict us?

With earthly wisdom we get envy and self ambition.

With Godly wisdom we get purity and peace.

Which one do you want? Earthly or Godly?

Earthly wisdom will lead to despair. Godly wisdom will lead to us living our faith.

James keeps pointing out in his letter that we need to live out our faith, and Godly wisdom will open our eyes so we can do just that.

Godly wisdom will help us endure our trials with joy,
it will help us to get the junk out of our lives,
it will help us show others we love them,
it will drive us to fully live out our faith,
it will help us to control our tongues.

How do we get Godly Wisdom?

Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in you. Read your Bible and APPLY what you learn to your life. Reading is only knowledge, the Wisdom comes from learning how to apply Biblical knowledge to the different situations you deal with each day.

If you are arguing with your spouse, apply Godly wisdom to come to a peaceful solution.

Having conflict at work, apply Godly wisdom to resolve the problem.

Faced with a difficult choice, apply Godly wisdom to find the right path.

Applying Godly wisdom will lead to their being enough evidence for you to be convicted as a Christian.

Thanks for reading, God Bless,


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sermon - May 24, 2015 - James 3:1-12 - The Mighty Tongue

A Japanese Proverb says “The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.”

Proverbs 18:21

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Our tongues, or the words we speak can be one of the most powerful forces know to man. Words have been known to set the course of individuals and nations.

A lot of movies tend to portray this, you find a leader giving his team a speech that inspires them to triumph. The President in the movie 'Independence Day' where he inspires the small group of pilots to attack the alien spaceship. Or in Braveheart, Mel Gibson as William Wallace gives an inspiring speech that motivates his men to fight the English.

History has also shown that words can be used to corrupt people and destroy nations. Hitler used words to drive his hate machine to conquer countries and kill many innocent people.

The tongue can inspire a young person to overcome the challenges in front of them or can make them feel like they are completely worthless. Words, the tongue, arguably the most powerful thing in the world.

James the man who is not afraid to tell it like it is, has something to say about your tongue.

James 3:1-2

3 Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment, 2 for we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a mature man who is also able to control his whole body.”

Why does James start talking about teachers? It is a warning. The tongue is the primary tool for teachers and James is warning us that it will not be an easy road and we will be held to a higher standard. This is not to scare away people from being teachers in any form, it is a reminder that our tongue will condemn us.

When most of us think about a teacher, we tend to picture someone in our life that taught us normally in a more formal setting. It may have been a teacher from grade school or college, or it could be a teacher you had once during Sunday School. Me I tend to think of Mr. O'Brien who was my 8th grade Language teacher at Dale Junior High in Anaheim, CA. Mr. O'Brien was one of the first teachers who really inspired me to think for myself. From my perspective as a 13 year old kid, he was a great man.

Now, was Mr. O'Brien my only teacher? No, I had seven official teachers that year but in life we have so many more. Our parents, our grandparents, aunts, uncles, even our friends are teachers. We learn so much from everyone around us that we have lots of teachers. If all of those different people have been a teacher to you, aren't you also a teacher to those around you?

Whether you have the title of 'teacher' or not you are a teacher to someone. Think of how much a child learns by watching their parents and siblings. Each of us learns from others all the time, we learn what is considered normal behavior, we pick up slang, and so much more. Everyone here, even those who are not yet adults, are teachers and the words you speak are important. Your words have an impact.

Jesus pointed out how important our words are.

Matthew 12:36-37

“I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak. 37 For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Each one of us will have to answer for our words, as they can and do have a HUGE impact on the people around us.

James also points out that we all stumble or sin. The easiest way to do this is with your tongue. Have you let a critical word about someone slip out? Did you talk about someone when they were not around? Curse beneath your breath? You have stumbled, you have sinned.

James 3:3-4

3 Now when we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we also guide the whole animal. 4 And consider ships: Though very large and driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.”

James starts out by using two common things in his day, a horse and a ship. A bit weights a couple of pounds, and a horse weights roughly 1,500 lbs. The average bit weights less than ½ of 1% of the weight of the horse. It weights nothing when compared to the horse. Yet the bit is the tool used by the rider to control the horse. It is one of the major pieces that helps the rider direct where it is going. The bit controls the horse.

I read an example this week talking about the U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, the USS Nimitz and USS Eisenhower. They each weigh 91,000 tons and are over 1,000 feel long. That is longer than 3 foot ball fields. They travel over 30 knots or roughly 35 miles per hour and are powered by engines that can generate over 280,000 horsepower. They have crews of over 5,000 people and carry over 60 aircraft. These things are huge, but each one is turned by one person steering with a rudder. A little rudder that is only 1/1000th of the size of the ship changes its direction and guides its path. That is 0.001, or 0.1%.

A bit and a rudder are the guiding force of things that are huge in comparison. They are both way less than 1% of the size or weight of the horse or ship, yet they have a huge impact.

James 3:5a

5 So too, though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things.”

The average human tongue weights roughly 3 ounces, so less than a ¼ of a pound. The average weight of a adult human is 175 lbs. Again we find that something that is less than 1% of the whole has a lot of control.

Adolf Hitler's 3 ounce tongue controlled a massive army and one of the worst regimes in the modern era. Osamba Bin Laden's tongue has inspired men to give their lives for an evil cause and to hurt so many innocent people. Something so small can have a huge impact.

James 3:5b-6

Consider how large a forest a small fire ignites. 6 And the tongue is a fire. The tongue, a world of unrighteousness, is placed among the parts of our bodies. It pollutes the whole body, sets the course of life on fire, and is set on fire by hell.”

The tongue of man can start a fire that burns. Now fire in itself is not a bad thing. We use fire to keep warm when it is cold and fire is used to cook our food. But watch out, a fire can quickly become out of control.

Have you ever watched a fire that is out of control? When we lived in California I have driven down the highway while a wild fire is burning on the canyon wall next to us. I have had ash fall down so thick that it almost looked like snow. Growing up I lived in two different apartments that were on fire, our units barely escaped being burned both times but our neighbors did not fare so well.

We have seen it here in Clark where two separate fires completely destroyed two homes. Fire quickly destroys anything in its path.

James is pointing out that the tongue is like a fire, if it is not controlled it destroys. Due to the fall of man and the introduction of sin in the world the tongue is out of control. A tongue that is out of control can destroy just as bad as those fires.

How does a tongue destroy?

A harsh word to someone in need.
Condemning someone who is struggling.
Simply talking behind someone's back.
Expressing negative thoughts.
Being critical of others.
Being a bully.

One wrong word can start a fire that destroys so much. A fire that spreads and destroys. We may think the impact is limited to ourselves or those who hear us, but that sin influences others and then spreads beyond our reach. It is a cancer that if left unchecked will continue to spread.

James 3:7-8

7 Every sea creature, reptile, bird, or animal is tamed and has been tamed by man, 8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”

Over the centuries man has learned to tame animals. Camels and horses have been ridden. Oxen used to be animals of burden used to haul things and in farming. Cat and dogs are now pets for many people. There are very few animals that mankind has not found a use for. We are in control of the animals, but can we control out tongues.

How many here have had said things you that you did not want to say? Did you swear? Yell at your kids? Say something hurtful to your spouse? Talk behind your friends back?

Psalms 52:2-4

Like a sharpened razor, your tongue devises destruction, working treachery. 3 You love evil instead of good, lying instead of speaking truthfully. Selah 4 You love any words that destroy, you treacherous tongue!”

No matter how hard we try, we are going to slip. We cannot control out tongues. We will say something that we will regret.

James says our tongues are like poison. Now there are fast and slow acting poisons. A fast acting poison will kill quickly with a couple of drops. Some words cut quickly and cut deep. Some words will destroy, will destroy your witness, or wreak havoc on the reputation of another.

Slow poisons take time, but they still eventually kill. Subtle words, whispers behind someone's back, innuendos, will work slowly but they are just as deadly. Telling only part of the truth can destroy someone's faith. Slowly but surely the effect is the same.

Poison is poison, whether fast or slow they both will kill. Our tongue if left unchecked will destroy the people around us.

James 3:9-10

9 We praise our Lord and Father with it, and we curse men who are made in God’s likeness with it. 10 Praising and cursing come out of the same mouth. My brothers, these things should not be this way.”

During James' day emperors would build statues in their own honor. People were supposed to worship these status as if they were their emperors, but also if a person was found insulting the statue they would be punished as if they had said it to the emperors face.

The Book of Genesis tells us that we were made in 'God's image'. We are also told that whoever sheds the blood of a man should be punished by the shedding of his blood, since man was made in God's image.

Our tongues are used to praise God and curse His creation in which in reality we are cursing God. Let that sink in for a moment. If you say something bad about one of God's creations you are insulting God. If you talk bad about your neighbor who is parking on your grass, you are talking bad about God. If you are gossiping about someone at church, you are gossiping about God. If you curse out the driver of the car that just cut you off, you are cursing God.

Your words towards any of God's creation are words against God.

Let's look back at those verses in Psalms.

Psalms 52:2-5

Like a sharpened razor, your tongue devises destruction, working treachery. 3 You love evil instead of good, lying instead of speaking truthfully. Selah 4 You love any words that destroy, you treacherous tongue! 5 This is why God will bring you down forever. He will take you, ripping you out of your tent; He will uproot you from the land of the living. Selah”

Our tongues can do so much good if we can control them, but an un-measurable amount of harm if not controlled.

James 3:11-12

11 Does a spring pour out sweet and bitter water from the same opening? 12 Can a fig tree produce olives, my brothers, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a saltwater spring yield fresh water.”

We are sinful beings and we will not be able to control our tongues 100% of the time. We are going to slip up, we are going to get angry, we are going to say something that is going to cause harm. We cannot do it on our own, we need God!

Colossians 3:8-10

8 But now you must also put away all the following: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self. You are being renewed in knowledge according to the image of your Creator.”

We will never be perfect, we will hurt others, we will insult God's creation. How do we overcome our sinful nature and our tongue that brings destruction? By putting on our 'new self', becoming a new creation through the grace of God.

We need to watch our words, because they have a bigger impact than we can imagine.

Blessings to All! Thanks for reading!


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sermon - May 17, 2015 - James 2:14-26 - Faith... Grace... Action!

When the word 'Real' is put in front of something it tends to get our attention. Marketers use it to sell us things and others use it to try to convince of things. Coke used to be the 'real thing'; real leather is better than fake leather, and real men wear pink. James is talking to us about real faith.

Our verses this morning are probably the most misunderstood passages in the book of James, and can be quite controversial. There are a lot of people out there that think they are Christians and really are not. In this passage James, the brother of Jesus, and the man who tells it like it is, talks about the difference between real and counterfeit Christians.

The entire New Testament teaches us that we are saved by faith alone. 'By Grace, through faith'. James comes along and says, 'it's not just faith but faith and works.' What is James talking about. Paul teaches faith alone, James is bring up works. Who is right? They are both right! Paul and James are talking about different things.

Paul was battling legalism. Remember he was addressing those who said to be a Christian you had to follow all of the Jewish laws and regulations.

James on the other hand is not battling legalism, but trying to get through to people who are saying that is does not matter what you do as long as you believe. He was talking to those whose life did not show their faith.

When Paul is talking about works he is referring to the Jewish laws like circumcision and the foods you eat. James on the other hand is talking about the Christian Lifestyle, Loving Others.

Paul is focusing on the root of salvation, what happens on the inside. James is focused on the fruit of salvation, what happens on the outside.

Paul is talking about how to know you are a Christian and James is talking about how to show it.

Paul talks about how one becomes a believer while James talks about how one behaves as a believer.

These verses are controversial but only because they are misunderstood.

Ephesians 2:8-10

8 For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift— 9 not from works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.”

By Grace – Through Faith – Then Works... If you get them out of order that is when there is a problem. We are saved by grace, through faith. We are saved by accepting God's amazing gift. What James is answering is how we show we are a believer.

James 2:14

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can his faith save him?”

It does not say that he actually has faith, he just claims to have it. He talks about it. Maybe he says the right things, holds up a John 3:16 sign at sporting events, and even attends church. I heard this week that 70% of Americans state they are Christians. Do you see 70% of the people you know living as Christians? Being a Christian is more than just talk, it takes real faith.

Matthew 7:21

““Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven.”

Not everyone who says they are a Christian is a 'Real' Christian. Talk is cheap. Where is the life change? James is telling us that real faith is not just something you say.

James 2:15-16

15 If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you don’t give them what the body needs, what good is it?”

What good is it if you see someone in need and you say 'I feel for you.' Real faith is more than words and more than feelings, it is more than just sympathy. Real faith requires you to act. Real faith gets involved with people. Real faith helps others.

1 John 3:17

If anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need but closes his eyes to his need – how can God's love reside in him?”

Real faith is generous, real faith leads to giving. Lack of it shows the absence of God.

James 2:17

In the same way faith, if it doesn't have works, is dead by itself.”

This is one of those times that James is not pulling any punches. Real faith is more than thoughts, feelings, emotions, or words. Real faith is helping others. If your faith is not causing you to act or to meet a need, it is dead.

1 John 3:14

We know that we have passed from death to life because we love our brothers. The one who does not love remains in death.”

Real Faith causes us to Love Others. Love is a verb, it is an action word. If we do not show this love in the way we act and in the way we serve others, our faith is not real.

James 2:18

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith from my works.”

Sounds like James is from Missouri, the 'Show Me' state. 'Show Me' is key here, Real faith is visible. You can see it, it is obvious, if you claim to be a Christian, people will be able to see it. James is saying 'show me' your faith! Your a Christian? Prove It! Let me see your actions back up your words.

Real faith is more than something you think, claim, feel, or say.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.”

Most of us don't change overnight, but Real faith leads to real change as our actions reflect the new creation we have become.

This week we had an electrical issue in our galvanizing department that was shocking operators. They had to shut it down until they could find the cause. Grabbing onto a hot wire is going to get your attention, and as the voltage increases your world can change instantly. Our 7 volt is going to tingle, but a 220 volt shock will not your socks off. If 220 volts will rock your world, how can someone as big as God enter your life and it not change you. James is calling it like he sees it. If there isn't any change, there is a question if God is really in your life. What can each of us see in our lives that proves that we have real faith?

A few weeks back I mentioned a quote from the movie 'Do You Believe' and it fits perfectly with James' message.

'If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?'

How do you know if your a believer? You will see changes in your life. Real faith always produced real change.

Real faith is not something you say, feel, or think. It is also not just something you believe.

James 2:19

You believe that God is one; you do well. The demons also believe—and they shudder.”

There are a lot of people out there that say they believe in God. They read the Bible and they can even quote scripture with the best of them. James is saying that is not enough.

Psalm 14:1a

The fool says in his heart, “God does not exist.””

It would be absolutely foolish to not believe in God. Look around you, look out side and marvel at God's creation. Especially this time of year with the new flowers blooming, the baby sheep, and so much more telling us that God is real. The devil believes in God, he is a great theologian, and knows the Bible better than all of us put together. Yet, He is not going to spend eternity in heaven. Simple belief is not enough.

The word 'believe' is to trust in, cling to, rely on, commit yourself completely. Head knowledge like the devil has is not enough. Saying I believe is not going to get your there. James is saying everyone believes in God, but that in itself is not enough.

Real faith is not just saying 'I Believe.' 70% of Americans say they believe, they say they are Christians. They believe in God.

If we poll these same 70%:
Do you think they all go to church? No.
How about do they donate their time? No.
Are they leading a ministry? No.
Do they tithe? No.
Do they expect God to work in their lives? No.

James is telling us that is not 'Real' faith. A lot of people say they are Christians, but believing there is a God is not the same an having Real saving faith that impacts who you are.

If real faith is not something you say, think, feel, or believe, it is not an emotion or a thought. What is 'Real Faith'?

James 2:20-26

20 Foolish man! Are you willing to learn that faith without works is useless? 21 Wasn’t Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 You see that faith was active together with his works, and by works, faith was perfected. 23 So the Scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness, and he was called God’s friend. 24 You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. 25 And in the same way, wasn’t Rahab the prostitute also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by a different route? 26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.”

Real faith is something you do. It is active, it is a commitment!

James paints an interesting portrait for us in these final verses in chapter two with two very different people.

Abraham is Jewish; Rahab is a Gentile
Abraham is male; Rahab is female
Abraham is a patriarch; Rahab a prostitute
Abraham is a somebody, a major character in the Bible; Rahab is a nobody, is a minor character

James uses these two individuals out of the Old Testament to remind us that is does not matter who you are as long as you have the one important thing. They only had one thing in common. Their faith in God led them to act.

Abraham believed what God had told him. He had faith that even if Isaac died, God would restore him. Rahab had faith that if she faithfully guided the messengers out safely she would be spared. Their faith in God changed them, their faith in God led them to action.

Our faith is not determined by what we do, it is demonstrated by what we do.

About 40 years ago there was a famous tightrope walker named George Blondin who, for a publicity stunt, decided he would walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. On the appointed day they stretched a tightrope from one side of Niagara Falls to the other.

He got out there and there were crowds lining both the Canadian and American side. Thousands of people showed up to see this unbelievable feat. Blondin walked up to the edge of the tightrope, put one foot on the tightrope and put another foot out and began to walk across -- inch-by-inch, step-by-step. He got out in the middle and everybody knew that if he’d make one mistake in balance he’d fall off the rope and into the Falls and obviously be killed. Blondin got to the other side and the crowd went wild, shouting and cheering. Blondin said, "I’m going to do it again." He got to the other side and the crowds went crazy. Blondin said, "I’m going to do it again but this time I’m going to push a wheel barrow full of dirt." He pushes the wheelbarrow across. He got to the other side. He did this nine or ten times. On about the tenth time, he pushed the wheelbarrow right in front of a tourist who said, "I believe you could do that all day." Blondin dumped out the dirt and said, "Really? Get in."

That is what James is telling us. Talk is cheap. Put your money where you mouth is. If you say you believe in Jesus, your actions should prove it. Actions speak louder than words and our actions really show what we believe.

If we take into consideration everything that James has said in the second half of chapter two of his letter there are a few questions we should be asking ourselves.

What changes can I point to in my life?
Is my life style different from those of unbelievers?

James is not saying we are justified by our works, he is not saying we can work our way into heaven, he is saying that our actions demonstrate our faith.

Saved by Grace, through Faith, that lead us to Act.

Thanks for Reading and May God Bless You Abundantly!


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sermon - May 10, 2015 - John 2:1-10 - Mother's Day

Did you know that Mother's Day is the third most celebrated holiday? Christmas and Easter are first and second, and Mother's Days is third. I read one article this week that mentioned there is a 'Mother's Day' in every culture in the world. Might not be the same day on the calendar but everywhere there is a time set aside to Honor Mom.

In the USA 145 million cards are sent, $14.6 billion is spent on gifts and dinners, and more long distance phone calls are made today than any other day of the year.

There is no doubt in my mind that mothering is the toughest job that anyone could ever have. I am sure my Mom would agree. While it is tough, I am positive that all of you Mom's love 'almost' every minute of it and would not trade it for the world.

Today I want to share about the most famous woman in the Bible, Mary, the mother of Jesus.

In John chapter two we find Jesus and his mother at a family wedding. We don't know who was getting married but based on her reaction, Mary felt somewhat responsible for the reception. In those days, it was the groom's family that took care of the reception.

John 2:1-2

2 On the third day a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding as well.”

Weddings are a big deal. Girls start dreaming about their wedding at an early age, heck my daughter has already decided that she wants to get married when she is 21.

Wedding Days are BIG and back in Jesus' day there were very important. As a matter of fact, this chapter starts out with 'On the third day', this means Jesus and His disciples had been traveling for 3 days so they could make it to this wedding. It was common for people to come from all over to attend a family wedding. They would walk, travel by camel, or ride a cart, whatever means necessary to get to the wedding. Weddings were also not a couple hour event, they were a week long celebration that involved a lot of food and wine.

John 2:3-4

3 When the wine ran out, Jesus’ mother told Him, “They don’t have any wine.” 4 “What has this concern of yours to do with Me, woman?” Jesus asked. “My hour has not yet come.”

This is a huge problem to the hosting family. This would be seen as an major embarrassment especially since some have traveled for days to be at the wedding and celebration.

Some may think Jesus' response is a little on the rude side, but from what I read this week a better translation would be something along the lines of.

''Mom, you don't understand. It's not the right time.' She was saying, 'I know you don't think it's the right time, but I need some help.'

Mom was asking for help. In that day and age, running out of wine would damage their credibility in the community. This wedding meant a lot to Mary.

John 2:5-8

5 “Do whatever He tells you,” His mother told the servants. 6 Now six stone water jars had been set there for Jewish purification. Each contained 20 or 30 gallons. 7 “Fill the jars with water,” Jesus told them. So they filled them to the brim. 8 Then He said to them, “Now draw some out and take it to the chief servant.” And they did.”

Jesus understood that the Old Testament law stays to honor your father and mother, so He does what He can to help.

As the water was poured into each cup, Jesus worked a miracle as He turned the water into wine. This was the first miracle recorded of Jesus' ministry. Some say His first miracle period, but then again Mary was pretty darn sure that Jesus was going to be able to do something to help. This miracle was done quietly, with only Jesus, His disciples, the servants, and Mary knowing about it. A need arose and Jesus stepped in to help. Jesus' mother needed help and He did what only He could do. In essence Jesus Honored His Mother.

Mary was under a lot of pressure for this family wedding to go well. When she looked at Jesus with both of them knowing that He is the Son of God, and said they were out of wine, they both know that He had the power and ability to do something about it. When the Mother of Jesus says 'we have no more wine', she is not making a stating she is asking Jesus to do something about it.

There was a problem and Mother Mary needed help.

Some of us are struggling with problems. The pressure may be intense. The question is do you expect Jesus to do anything in your life this morning?

Sometimes things will get worse before God makes them better. This is seen throughout the Bible.

Joseph had to go to prison before he could be lifted up to lead Egypt and protect his family from the famine.

David, who had been told he was going to be the king of Israel, found himself hiding out for his life in cold, dark caves before he was elevated to king of Israel.

Peter had to fail and deny Christ before he could experience God's grace, and before he could lead 3,000 people to the Lord on the day of Pentecost.

Jesus had to die on a cross before He could be resurrected and we could have forgiveness for our sins and hope for eternal life.

Things sometimes get real bad before God can make them better.

A lot of us are experiencing bad things. We are out of wine. We are out of finances. We feel like we are out of love in our relationships and our lives.

1 Peter 5:10

Now the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little.”

After you have run out of wine, after the job offer did not come, after that last fight with a loved one, after you have felt like you are lost. After you have suffered, God promises that He will 'personally' restore, establish, strengthen, and support you! God is going to show up and do as He promised, but first we need to put our hope and trust in Him.

Some of us may be stuck in verse three, we are out of wine. We are at the end of our rope. We feel like we have run out of hope.

We have to do like Mary did in verse five. She counted on Jesus to take care of her problem. She KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus had the power to help with her problem. Do you Know that Jesus has the power to help you with your problem? What Jesus did at that wedding, He will do for you if you are looking to and trusting in Him.

Through trusting in Jesus we can move from the problem in verse three to verse ten where Jesus saves the best for Last.

John 2:9-10

When the chief servant tasted the water (after it had become wine), he did not know where it came from—though the servants who had drawn the water knew. He called the groom 10 and told him, “Everyone sets out the fine wine first, then, after people have drunk freely, the inferior. But you have kept the fine wine until now.”

Things may get worse, but Jesus save the best for last. God's best is coming! Don't let despair take over, don't give up hope, don't throw in the towel. God will show up and work in your life. This miracle is not about wine, it is about putting our trust in God, knowing that He wants to work in the behind the scene stuff, that He wants to work in our lives, and having faith that He has the power to take care of whatever 'it' is.

John 2:5

“”Do whatever He tells you,” His mother told the servants.”

We have to ask for help, listen for God, and then do what He says to do.

James 2:17

In the same way faith, if it doesn’t have works, is dead by itself.”

You can come to church, have a Christian bumper sticker on your car, wear Christian clothing, tell people you believe, but if your faith does not lead to action it is dead.

We need to do what Jesus tells us!

Mary came to Jesus and told him that they were out of wine and that He needed to do something about it. His initial response was to tell her no, that His time had not come yet. That He was not supposed to be publicly performing miracles yet.

Mary recognized how Jesus felt but told Him she had a problem and He needed to help and then she told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Mary took that step in faith and Jesus understood the Old Testament Commandments and knew that if He did not help He would be breaking the one about Honoring His Father and Mother.

Now Jesus lived a sinless life, so He did what His mother told Him. It did not matter what anyone else wanted or thought. He needed to Honor His Mother. So He did just that and worked a miracle. Quietly with only a few people aware of His involvement a miracle was performed a need was met.

The servants obeyed Jesus and followed His steps exactly. Mary put her faith in Jesus and the servants followed His direction. This morning do you have faith in Jesus are you obeying Him?

One of the best ways to honor your Mother today, is to put your faith in Jesus Christ and to obey Him!

Happy Mother's Day! May all the Mother's out there be blessed!

God Bless,


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sermon - May 3, 2015 - James 2:1-13 - Do the Clothes Make the Man?

Most of us have probably heard the saying that 'the clothes make the man'. A phrase that was made famous by Shakespeare and Mark Twain.

That is good advice if you are trying to get a job or to impress someone.

There was once a town drunk who gave his heart to Jesus Christ. He immediately stopped drinking and began to look for a church and had purposed in his heart that he would attend the first church he found. Determined to turn his life around he found a church and went in. He was met at the door by a couple of ushers and they told the man, "Please go home and clean up, take a bath, cut your hair, shave your beard and then you can come back to church." The man left and did what they asked and came back to the same church the next week.

Once again, he was met at the door by the ushers. The former drunk said, "I have done what you asked, I am clean, my hair cut and combed, I am clean shaven and I am ready to come to church."

The ushers said to the man, "That is good but your clothes are dirty and torn up. Go get a suit so that you will look nice for church." A little sad, the man decided to do what they asked, after all this was the church he felt he was supposed to attend. So he went out and bought a nice suit, determined that this time they would let him in so he could worship God.

The next Sunday the former drunk returned to that same church but this time the man was met by the two ushers and the senior pastor. Together, the three of them explained to the man that he could not come into the church because of his past. How would it look if the town drunk came to their church? The man walked out of the church totally dejected because he desired to worship God in a house of worship with the men and women of God. He sat down on the steps in front of the church and put his head in his hands and began to cry.

As he sat there, he felt the hand of someone touch his shoulder. Before he could look up he heard a voice say, "Don't worry my friend, I have been trying to get into that church for years and they won't let me in either." The former drunk looked up and saw a man dressed in a white robe with nail pierced hands. Jesus wanted in that church too.

While the phrase 'the clothes make the man' is good advice in some specific situations it leads down a path that we do not want to venture to.

James 2:1-4

My brothers, do not show favoritism as you hold on to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. 2 For example, a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes, and a poor man dressed in dirty clothes also comes in. 3 If you look with favor on the man wearing the fine clothes and say, “Sit here in a good place,” and yet you say to the poor man, “Stand over there,” or, “Sit here on the floor by my footstool,” 4 haven’t you discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?”

Once again we find that James does not worry about talking about the fluffy feel good messages. He gets straight to the meat of the matter. Favoritism has no place in church, and really has no place in the life of a Christ follower. Favoritism is incompatible with Christianity.

Deuteronomy 10:17

“For the Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God, showing no partiality and taking no bribe.”

God shows no favoritism, He is completely impartial. If we are committed to our Lord and we are to try to be like Him in all things, if He shows no favoritism then we must do the same.

James gives us an example of two men. One is obviously wealthy with his gold ring and fine clothes while the other is poor dressed in the same clothes he probably sleeps in, eats in, and works the field in. This poor man is treated poorly while the rich man is given a place of honor. These men are not being treated equally in any way.

In the church if we show favoritism based on how someone dresses or how much they give each week, we would no longer be part of God's church. We would have become an unjust, partial judge. Christ like? No. Worldly? Yes.

The world judges based on appearance, they think 'the clothes make the man'. God is looking for something completely different.

James 2:5-7

5 Listen, my dear brothers: Didn’t God choose the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that He has promised to those who love Him? 6 Yet you dishonored that poor man. Don’t the rich oppress you and drag you into the courts? 7 Don’t they blaspheme the noble name that was pronounced over you at your baptism?”

James is reminding us about something Jesus said.

Luke 6:20

Then looking up at His disciples, He said: “You who are poor are blessed, because the Kingdom of God is Yours.”

God has chosen the poor to inherit the Kingdom of God. God has shown a special interest in the poor even in the Old Testament.

Psalm 35:10

“My very bones will say, ' Lord, who is like You, rescuing the poor from one too strong for him, the poor or the needy from one who robs him?”

God has always been looking out for the poor and oppressed. They should be favored, not treated poorly.

Even Jesus made sure people understood that He did not come just for the rich. His focal point for the gospel is the poor.

Luke 4:18

The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed”

The good news is for the poor. That is where it started. The Message was for all humankind but it started with the poor as the rich felt they did not need anything from anyone. The rich had everything they needed, why would they listen to Jesus. Remember the rich man who asked Jesus what he needed to do to be saved? Jesus told him to sell off everything he had. Did not go over to well.

In these verses James did make it clear that he is talking about the 'poor in this world', or those who are financially poor. He does go on to say they are 'rich in faith and heirs in the kingdom'. The world sees them as poor and not worth the same attention or honor as those who have the money or fame. The world may see them that way, but God does not.

The world judges on these artificial measures, wealth, popularity, abilities, the clothes one wears, etc.... God does not pay attention to these things. He is simply looking for those people who Love Him. If you love God you have faith. If you have faith you are saved. The poor of the world, those with no money, the outcasts, dirty clothes, if you hair is to long or falling out, belly to big, clumsy, deaf, blind, and so on if you have faith in God nothing else matters. Your faith means you will inherit the Kingdom of God.

James goes on to remind us that the rich of the world oppress believers. In James time, the rich would drag Christians into court. At that time Christians were hated and more often than not the rich man would take the Christian to court and win just because no one wanted anything to do with those who followed the cursed Galilean.

James saw the trend in the churches to do the same thing. Honor the rich and push the poor to the side. It was beginning to look like the church was looking like the world.

James 2:8-9

8 Indeed, if you keep the royal law prescribed in the Scripture, Love your neighbor as yourself, you are doing well. 9 But if you show favoritism, you commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.”

Their are two royal laws, as found in Mark chapter 12. Jesus was asked which command is the most important and His response was.

Mark 12:29-31

29 “This is the most important,” Jesus answered:

Listen, Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is One. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.

31 “The second is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.”

Love God, Love Others. Jesus said these are the most important so it is imperative that we follow them.

Favoritism, however, is not loving your neighbor as yourself. In fact, it is not loving your neighbor at all. If you are showing favoritism you are breaking the royal law. Hence sinning in the eyes of the Lord.

Someone might say that showing favoritism is such a minor thing, it is can't be that serious.

James 2:10-11

10 For whoever keeps the entire law, yet fails in one point, is guilty of breaking it all. 11 For He who said, Do not commit adultery, also said, Do not murder. So if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you are a lawbreaker.”

James points out very clearly that a sin is a sin. It does not matter what sin you commit, once you break even one even if you think it is a minor law you are guilty. Showing favoritism or not loving your neighbor as yourself, being an adulterer, or committing murderer are breaking commands given by God and hence you would be guilty of not listening to Him.

In Old Testament times what was the punishment for adultery? Death. How about murder? It was also death. The punishment for one sin is no different than the punishment for the other. So the punishment for not loving your neighbor as yourself is the same, death.

The message here is that sin is sin, and the sin of favoritism is the same as murder or adultery. Commit anyone of them and the punishment is deserved and severe.

James 2:12-13

12 Speak and act as those who will be judged by the law of freedom. 13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who hasn’t shown mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.”

We need to speak and act as people who will be judged not by the law the Pharisees had corrupted but as the law that sets us free. The law as explained through Jesus' ministry. The law that has set us free to serve God. All of our actions, behaviors, words, and thoughts need to be aligned with the teaching of Jesus, and not influenced by the world.

Throughout the Good Book we see that God is a God of mercy.

Deuteronomy 4:31

He will not leave you, destroy you, or forget the covenant with your fathers that He swore to them by oath, because the Lord your God is a compassionate God.”

And He expects that we will behave in the same manner.

Matthew 5:7

The merciful are blessed, for they will be shown mercy.”

If you show mercy, if you love your neighbor as yourself, you will receive mercy. Since we all fall short of God's expectations we need His mercy. We are all set to be judged and it is only through the mercy we are given from God that we can survive that judgment and not receive what we deserve.

On judgment day each of us will stand before Jesus and be asked what we did for the 'least of these'? Did we feed the hungry, give the thirsty something to drink, take care of a stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit those in prison.

Did we care for the poor or play favoritism and focus on the rich?

As a church and individuals we need to make sure we are looking at people the way God looks at them. We need to care for them as God wants us to. A lost soul is a lost soul, regardless if they are dressed in finery or wearing dirty clothes.

The world may say that 'the clothes make the man', but God tells us to Love your neighbor as yourself.
What can you do this week to Love your neighbor?

Thanks for reading and May God Bless You!
